Yeah, that's how my whole month is going.
I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but I'm having a rough go of it recently. I'm tired, all I do is work, and I haven't been able to go for a run in two weeks because I'm working 12-hour days. I just keep telling myself to hang in there, these things will work themselves out eventually, all I need to do is keep at it.
Maybe by tonight I'll find that elusive "second wind" and feel more hopeful, but today I am In The Bell Jar, Man.
So yes, if you're looking for inspiration, you've come to the WRONG place today. Sorry. I've got no inspiration today, for myself or anyone else, but I'm trying to stay strong, focus, and just keep moving forward. Treating Life and Work like a Really Long Training Run today.
These pictures make me feel a little better, and remind me who I am. I'm off to work now.
Have a great day?