Thursday, April 4, 2013

March 2013 Goals & Challenge Update

So yes, yes yes, I'm working on that Where I've Been, Part II post - I haven't procrastinated it out of existence. I actually have started on it, but it requires some... polish.

In the meantime, March has closed its doors and we are INTO April! Spring is well on her way to join us, there are flowers creeping up and poking their little purple heads into the sunlight, and come to mention it, the SUN has returned and has almost become a source of HEAT again!

You know what this means.

Time for the March 2013 challenge update!

Here goes:
Reminder in case you weren't paying attention at the first of the year:
My official goal for 2013 is to run, walk and / or bike 500 miles as quickly as possible.
The other Challenge items for this year are:

  1. Ultimate mileage goal is to run/ walk 500 miles (excluding bike miles).
  2. Complete my first half marathon race.
  3. 5K race time under 35 minutes.
  4. 10K race time under 1 hour 10 minutes.
  5. Test Mile time under 10 minutes. DONE

I ran this month's miles for:

Additional stats for this month and year-to-date:

Random facts for March:
Trips to Lake Bloomington:  1
Number of Test Miles:  1
Longest distance in a single run:  8.0
Races:  2
Number of new PR's:  2
Best 5k time:  34:31
Group runs:  4, including 1 speed workout and 1 hill workout
Runs in snow / ice:  2
Runs cancelled or altered due to weather conditions:  3
Ice-related injuries:  NONE!
Super awesome Green Day concerts attended:  1
Car accidents (not so narrowly) avoided:  1
Facebook pages started:  1  (click here!)
Weight change for the month:  4.7 lbs.

YES!  Another 2013 goal has been accomplished this month!  

3.  5K race time under 35 minutes. DONE (Race recap here)

I do have one race scheduled at the end of April, so one chance for a new PR this month, and it's a BIG one.  This will be my 4th 10k race and I'm training hard for it.  I've been building my base miles (planning 9 this Saturday) and I have my eye on that - oh crap that says 1 hour and TEN minutes???  I gotta go.

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- CPAGrrrl