Sunday, May 5, 2013

April 2013 Goals & Challenge Update

I wrote most of this a few days ago but didn't have a chance to finish till now...

It's May Day! Spring is here, I wore SHORTs on my run yesterday it's 80 degrees, the Lake Run is This Weekend and I'm ready to Run Happy!

Time to check in on my progress on the 2013 challenges!

Reminder in case you haven't been paying attention:
My goal for 2013 is to run, walk and / or bike 500 miles as quickly as possible.
The other Challenge items for this year are:

  1. Ultimate mileage goal is to run/ walk 500 miles (excluding bike miles).
  2. Complete my first half marathon race (or, you know, two).
  3. 5K race time under 35 minutes. DONE
  4. 10K race time under 1 hour 10 minutes.
  5. Test Mile time under 10 minutes. DONE

I ran this month's miles for:

Additional stats for this month and year-to-date:

Random facts for April:
Trips to Lake Bloomington:  2
Number of Test Miles:  0 - my training schedule with long runs didn't allow space for this!
Longest distance in a single run: 9.0+ (walked to and from the start, another 1.5 miles) 
Races:  1
Number of new PR's:  1
Best 5k time: 34:31
Best 10k time: 1:11:29
Group runs: 4
Runs in snow / ice:  ZERO
Runs cancelled or altered due to weather conditions: 3
Random dude tilling backyard garden who requested I throw Coty's poop INTO his yard: 1
Facebook page "Likes": 58 (click here!)
Weight change for the month: +4.7 lbs. This is a problem.  Must.  Stop. Running in the Wrong Direction.

YES! Another 2013 goal has been accomplished this month! 
Sadly, I did not quite meet my 10k goal last week, but I'm really happy and proud that I got as close as I did... a minute and a half over 6 miles.  To think, just 15 seconds faster in each mile, and I would have made it.  I like to think I gave it everything I had, but 15 seconds... that just sounds so... achievable!  I may have to hunt up another 10k and try again in the next few months. Race Recap Here

Upcoming Events:

We're in the middle of Race-A-Palooza here... one down, 3 to go. 
Lake Run 12k (first time racing this distance) 5/4 (goal time 1:30:00)
Race to Wrigley 5k 5/11 (goal - have fun and raise money for a great cause!)
Run River City Marathon Relay (first time in a relay!) 5/18 (goal:  depends on which leg I'm running.  Stay tuned.)

Larger goal in sight for May:  get that weight back on track and headed in the right direction.  Refocus on the goal.  This isn't just about running; it's about health and FITness.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I so enjoyed getting emails from your posts today at work! I'm very proud of my 10k - guess maybe it doesn't sound that way, but I'm working on it! :-)
    Thanks so much for your comments and support.


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- CPAGrrrl