Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lies, Damn Lies, No. 1

I don't know if this is going to be a series of posts or not, but let's just assume it is - there's certainly plenty of material for it:

(and proof they're not real)
No. 1

"I never get to do anything!  I'm working all the time and it leaves me with no time for fun stuff."


I needed to write this today because I heard this complaint in my head.  Sometimes it's useful to remind myself that there's no need to be down - there's light at the end of the Tunnel that is Busy Season, and meanwhile, I regularly participate in some REALLY neat, enriching and satisfying activities that have absolutely nothing to do with work.

Here's some cool shit I've done in the past 6 months, despite my busy work schedule while enjoying my demanding and engaging career, and in no particular order:

  1. I helped lead a group of beginner runners to successfully complete a 4.37-mile race through a 10-week program.
  2. I went to a concert.  On a TUESDAY night.  If that's not living-on-the-edge, I just don't know what is.
  3. I participated in a 12-week running program myself to help improve my own speed and endurance.
  4. I filed my taxes on time (ok this doesn't really fall into the category of "fun", but I did.)
  5. I went to an Easter Parade Party.  Now, who else gets to say that?!?
  6. I ran not one but TWO half-marathons.
  7. I baked an amazing, basically perfect, blueberry pie.
  8. I celebrated 10 years of marriage.
  9. We went to a beach party with friends.
  10. I attended the wedding of a woman whom I've known since she was three months old. That's right I said MONTHS.
  11. I celebrated my brother-in-law's graduation from graduate school.
  12. I went to the Jaycees Beerfest - another great day with friends.
  13. I attended an event honoring women of distinction in our community and met a dear old friend of my mother's - and she received one of the awards!
  14. I spent two weeks attending a daily swimming class and learned a new skill.
  15. I went to community theater and saw the musical SHREK.
  16. I spent an evening out of town listening to my friends' band play until the wee hours of the morning.
  17. I volunteered as a leader in a women-only running group for 8 weeks.  There I met bunches of great ladies and running partners!
  18. I went to a fundraiser for a great local charity and simultaneously got to visit with a dear friend and her mom.  And we accidentally got her mom pretty drunk.  She was hilarious.
  19. I ran a race with one of my very best friends and then spent the rest of the day together.
  20. I volunteered answering phones during the spring fund drive for my local public radio station.  (Donate today for the fall fund drive - click here!)
  21. I hosted a birthday party and had all our friends over, hanging out and enjoying each other's company until (again) the wee hours of the morning.

And #22:  The past few weeks, I have been helping promote an upcoming concert.  My very favorite singer-songwriter is coming to town and I have the privledge of helping get the word out.  By the way, here's where you can get tickets and info.  It's going to be a fantastic, intimate show; one not to be missed.

So screw you, lying voice inside my head.  I have a pretty great, fun-filled and enriching life outside of my office (and the hotel rooms I stay in so often).  I just need a little reminder once in a while.

Back to work, you!

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- CPAGrrrl