I could spare you the details, but I won't, because I found the details pretty entertaining. Hopefully you will too. I needed to get in 6 sets of 20, plus five more. I got two sets done in the client's restroom before I took off. I hit up a McDonald's to get a Diet Dr. Pepper (no food) and use the facilities at the half-way point of my drive, and I got another set done there (thank you, handicapped stall). I drove straight to the restaurant where my meeting would be held, and arrived about a half-hour early. Used the facilities there too and got in another set. (Followed by some pizza. I restrained myself and had three squares of pizza, which was delicious and filling but not so filling that I felt stuffed afterward, so... win?) Finally home around 7:30. Greeted the dogs and the mister, and knocked out the remaining 45 squats before I sat down, on the off-chance that I wouldn't be able to convince myself to stand up again.
There you have it: 125 squats, 4 cities, three public restrooms. Done.
Yesterday was pretty uneventful, had a pretty reasonable food-day and headed out a little early from work to catch my first weekly Ride the Wave meeting. We had a 2-mile assessment run. I'm still coming back from my lengthy break from regular exercise, and I was expecting to be disappointed with my results. I was not surprised to find myself dead last in finishing the run. The weather was a HUGE improvement, temps in the low 30's and almost NO ice on the trail, just one sketchy spot and several very large and very cold puddles to navigate. We were running in the dark by the end, and though I did have a hand-held flashlight on, I am seriously worried about ice. I had a bad fall last winter and really could have knocked my teeth out on the sidewalk, and ever since, I just really struggle with that fear of falling.
Anyway, I ran the first mile, took a 30-second break, and barring the points where the terrain was sketchy, ran the rest of the second mile as well. I finished in just over 26 minutes. My friend (and group leader in last year's RTW program) Kathy kept me company the whole time and TRIED to help me follow our main instruction which was NOT to talk, just focus on getting a solid time - not race pace, but a "good effort" pace. She was mildly successful in keeping my chatty self quiet. I run so much with the dog, and don't talk all that much to myself or to her (at least, not out loud), when I run with other people, I turn into a real chatterbox!
I had SO MUCH reflective gear on, I just had to have a photo... or two.

I spent much of that second mile mentally worrying about people being done with their assessment and waiting on me before they could start the talk. That's still a tough mental battle for me. It doesn't bother me too much knowing I'm last but the idea that folks are sitting around waiting for the last one to arrive really does get under my skin. I found out later that several people came in less than 5 minutes before I did and I probably wasn't too far behind the second-to-last person, so of course, that was all in my head.
I'm in a weird place for the start of the program this year. I'm not injured, but I'm lacking in endurance. The beginners program, which starts with running just one minute and doing a whole lot of walking, would be WAY below my current abilities, but the more advanced program will surely be a challenge. I just have to trust that the endurance will return. The "return" will take less time than the initial build-up of endurance took. Yes, Chris, it will. It will return quickly. All I have to do is follow my program and keep working at it.
Tonight I have a group workout at a local gym with my weight loss challenge group. I really enjoyed the last one - group workouts are a rarity for me, so I'm looking forward to it. Friday will be a rest day, other than a possible dog-walk, and Saturday there's another group workout. Sunday I have a date to run with a friend.
I leave you with this little ditty I saw on Facebook today from Live, Love, Lift:
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- CPAGrrrl