I had a great afternoon. Took a half-day off from work, to head to my wonderful hairdresser's for a cut, color & style (LONG overdue, I might add - I had to cancel my appointment in early May because I was out of town on business and couldn't get back in to see him any sooner!). Left the salon looking like a rock star. Went home & relaxed for about a 1/2-hour, then changed clothes and headed out on a run with, you guessed it, my trusty companion. I wanted to get in my Thursday Night 4.37-mile run, but didn't want to go to the Lake. It's too hot, and with the new route that's been put in place due to construction on the bridge out there, there's just not enough shade for either Coty or myself. So we just headed out from the house and hit the Trail. Coty calmed down quickly in the heat and after about a mile she happily pulled in behind me and even without her leash she stuck pretty much by my side or about 5 feet behind.
By the second water stop, about 2.2 miles, where we would turn around, she was insisting on a break.
She took a drink from the doggie fountain and then plopped down in the shade and wasn't going anywhere.
I sat down with her and we took five. What the hell, it's hot out here.
So we got going again and headed home. Now, for the little thing: about 1/2-mile from home, I'm getting tired - which is really more mental than physical. [Side note: There's a point during every run that I have to make sure Coty's back on her leash, because she can get away with murder... I'm too mentally distracted by running and breathing that I can't properly focus on her and make sure she doesn't chase the wrong rabbit or head into the street or roll in the nastiest thing she can get her face on... etc. This is also the point in any run when, if I think about it, I get really nervous about the possibility of injury. Everyone knows what a klutz I can be when I'm not paying attention.]
Really, I'm getting to the little thing, I swear.
So about a 1/2-mile from home, I felt something under my shoe - a rock, maybe a twig, I don't know, maybe it was just some uneven concrete on the sidewalk - and I could feel my right leg begin to slide forward. I had visions of an ugly fall, bloodied knees (AGAIN!) and potential broken bones. But I shifted my weight, adjusted my stride and the angle my torso was leaning, and recovered with nary a missed step.

I wasn't even running that day: just taking a nice leisurely walk with my hubby and my dog, and less than TWENTY FEET from home, I tripped on a bad bit of sidewalk and completely lost my shit. I mean, how ridiculous is that???
Okay, I looked it up. The pics are from July 2010.
So today, I am appreciating my ability to avoid a potential spill: STRONGER legs, FASTER recovery, BETTER core strength.
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- CPAGrrrl